Posted on November 11 2018
In this month’s Women Who Make Things Happen series, we talk to Cat Meffan – yoga teacher and YouTube star about the mantras she lives by, the fitness apps she swears by and much, much more.
What made you become a yoga teacher?
I have a passion for movement and the way it makes me feel. After practising yoga for a few years, I wanted to take my practice deeper, hence doing my teacher training. It was only after completing my first training that I decided I want to teach it.
How does yoga make you feel?
Alive! In all aspects of my life. The asana practice allows me to energise or relax my body and the expression side of yoga helps me to work with fears and challenges to find my true self.
What mantra(s) do you live by?
I have a few that I have on repeat…
You can’t rush something you want to last forever
I am loved and I am loving
I am Enough
I am not defined by my body
How do you motivate yourself when you’re not in the mood to work out?
To be honest it’s rare for me to not be in the mood, as I love working out and I love that happy feeling I get afterwards. Sometimes even though I want to go to the gym, I might be lacking inspiration for my workouts, so I check out some of my favourite PT Instagrammers for some new ideas.
What advice would you give beginner yogis or those who’ve never got on the mat before?
Turning up is the hardest part. Once you’re in a class and you’re on that mat, you’re in your own zone and can just focus on how it feels. Yoga classes can be a little daunting, but there is such a wonderful energy. If you’re not quite feeling confident for a group class, try some of my videos on YouTube first to get your body and mind a little more adjusted to the practice.
What are your goals for the rest of the year?
I’ve got two more retreats to run this year, so my goal is to make those as amazing as possible for my guests. I’ve also got lots of planning to do for 2019 retreats. And aside from the business side of things, I’d love to be able to do a muscle up and a straddle press to handstand.
What keeps you sane/balanced?
Meditation, walking my dog, therapy, spending time with friends and family.
Which three famous people would you invite to a dinner party, and what’s for dessert?
David Attenborough, Shiva Rea and Misty Copeland; and we’d have vegan chocolate brownie with vegan ice cream!
Are there any health/fitness/wellness apps your swear by? If so, what are they?
I use FIIT (and I just happen to teach yoga on there too!), I use Insight Timer for mediation, Headspace is awesome, Interval Timer for my workouts, the Nike Training app and Alo Moves.
What’s your go-to healthy snack for your handbag/gymbag?
Ooooo this is a tricky one. I love fruit and nuts, but if I want something really yummy I’ll have Livia’s Kitchen Nugglets – they’re so good!
Cat wears our SuperSoft Yoga Leggings and Seamless White Crop Top.
Follow Cat on YouTube for amazing yoga workouts.
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