Posted on August 08 2024

Selfcare. Down regulation. Parasympathetic weekends. All much discussed, shared and spotlit on TikTok, but what does a real Summer Reset look like? How to take care in the most out-and-about season, how to stay grounded while you travel, and how to take stock of your values, goals and habits? We have some thoughts…
Knowing what works for you when the world gets loud is essential to staying grounded amongst the heady heights of Summer. Do you need de-stimulating with a herbal tea instead of that 2nd(3rd!) coffee? Can you swap the ritual of an evening tipple to a can of Trip Mindful Blends, an adaptogen-based sparkling infusion of natural botanicals that promotes better sleep? Can you make time for your skincare routine, really indulge and actually *do* those extra nourishing steps? A restorative yoga class with a friend? Your toolkit is made of the non negotiables that keep you level and floating along, and will be completely individual to you. Make your list and commit to visiting it for reminders when you need them.
It’s a great time to have clarity over the rest of the year to come, can you also be present and enjoy the soul quenching nature of Summer too? Practicing mindfulness and bringing the intention of soaking up the moment gives you the opposite of a ‘trigger’ and has been called (which we love) a 'glimmer'. A moment that affirms your love for life, your surroundings, gratitude for the life you have. Can you look up from your phone and notice more beauty, kindness and compassion around you? That manifesting is powerful stuff…
When the invites come flooding in, spontaneous plans are fun and freeing, but can you also plan your quiet time? Scheduling clear space in your diary acts as a buffer to give you time to settle, take care of the basics - using your toolkit of course - and give yourself space to be. To be quiet, to be still, to rest and rejuvenate the body after all that you ask of it during Summer.