Posted on January 05 2022

We’re one week in to 2022. A year many are hoping will be easier to navigate than the last, but with so much uncertainty in the air, do resolutions / goals / ‘new year, new me’ even matter? We believe it’s more of a marathon than a sprint (for social manager Naomi who is running Brighton Marathon 2022!) but in essence, huge goals early on in the year tend to lead, from experience, to great personal disappointment. So how to get back on board with your goals, adjust them if needs be and ultimately avoid this guilt at not smashing January out of the park?
1/ Accept without judgement.
Dry January, Veganuary, No Sugar January, Whatever January. If you didn’t quite make it this far, this is your sign to acknowledge your effort and to accept that ‘failing’ at whatever challenge does, by no means, write you off for the year. Were you encouraged by someone you saw online doing the same? Has a friend or family member become radical about how ‘it abso-bloody-lutely changed’ their life? Good for them! Wish them well, but don’t take other’s goals on or feel the pressure to ‘stay on track’. We are human beings, there will be other disciplines that you will excel in that others may not, that is your super power!
2/ Prioritise self care over visible results
We are so beyond the ‘before and after’ that is rife on instagram. Yes it’s motivating to some, but often all the actual work, emotional development and personal growth is never captured in a basic side-by-side. Working on your self-appreciation is way more impactful to your wellbeing, self-esteem and sure, with work and perseverance those ‘visible’ changes will happen. Try not to make it the focus, in this image-based world online, try to see past the radical and look for the everyday wins, because they add up to a much broader spectrum of health overall.
3/ Hold it lightly
We would all love to get to the end of January, or the end of 2022 and be ‘x’. But what if we embraced how perfectly imperfect we all are right now, and that holding these huge goals more lightly, with a sense of playfulness and without the crushing guilt if we don’t check every box? No matter the goal or goals, encourage yourself with them like you would a friend, be your own cheerleader and own your space.