


MINIS Counter the Countdown Chaos

Posted on November 13 2022

countdown chaos

You know it’s happening when the John Lewis Christmas ad plays in the ad break of your favourite period drama. The countdown is well and truly on. Questions bubble about where you’ll be for Christmas, who’s seeing who, who’s buying what, and amongst this all an impending doom about not having COMPLETED ‘IT’.

What if we reframed the countdown chaos, and prioritised those things that seem (and end up) to be always the priority of a future version of you? The balance and equilibrium of your life can feel shoved to the bottom of the pile, perhaps creating negative habits that you’re sure 2023 and the start of a new year will remedy. 

With 6 or so weeks left of 2022, it’s both an invisible and tangible ticking clock for those goals to be satisfactorily ticked off the list. If it seems insurmountable, it’s not a time to berate yourself, but instead, have a helicopter view of your day-to-day responsibilities and priorities. Reshuffling, regrouping and understanding the motivations behind your goals will help you plan to achieve them in 2023 (and you will!).


The future version of you will be grateful for any moves towards the goals you have, the awareness to recognise this makes each intentional act until the future arrives even sweeter. 


Want to nail the couch to 5k in January? Start by walking the distance and getting time on your feet racked up, one step (literally!) towards training for the distance ahead of you, teaching your body and all its incredible muscles that being upright and moving at a pace is safe and dare we say…fun?!

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