Posted on July 27 2017

Available in both navy and black, ILU’s ‘Dream Spin Leggings’ are still leading the athleisure pack.
WHY are they so amazing?
Made with cutting edge seamless technology, they’re lightweight, breathable, comfortable, incredibly flattering as well as fashion forward. The high waistband sucks you in (think spanx #NoMuffinTop #NoBuildersButt), the grey marl contrast creates a perfect hourglass shape and the mesh at the calves gives fashion kudos and texture. You name the test, they ace it- the comfort test, the squat test, the fashion test and the price test.
They have been spotted on celebs (hello Mel Sykes and Amanda Holden!), on fitness pros (the celebrity trainers at ROAR Fitness love them) and celebrity bloggers (shout out to Lilly Sabri). They fly off the shelves have become our number 1 stocked product (find them in gyms, at Active in Style and online).
These leggings ARE the athleisure go-to leggings of the year. Miss them at your peril. #NotJustForSpinning.
The vibe is bold, happy and confident. The look is stylish chic.
ILU’s ‘Active’ & ‘Calm’ collections offer unique fitwear & loungewear – designed for the woman who wants her clothing to work for HER: her style, her colour, and her mood.
The Leggings are priced £47 click here to view on our website