Posted on November 14 2021
Hi lovely Harriet! We’d love to find out more about your wonderful online space, Intuitive Soul Sanctuary that so many are finding to be an online oasis of ‘me-time’. Following our theme of LOVE for the month, we thought discussing self-love and the power of mindfulness with you would inspire many others to take a breath, go inward and to direct some love their own way.
Q. How has meditation impacted your self appreciation or self esteem?
A. I think that’s a really interesting question and truthfully it is only now, after some years of experiencing meditation, of playing around with its many forms, lengths and nuances that I can honestly say how much it has impacted my life and my self esteem; by this I mean that it has dramatically supported me in both my deepest trust and growth in becoming an authentic teacher and a mother to my two boys. It is only now that when I contemplate a life without it, I wonder if I would cope with the struggles and juggles in the way that I do. (And believe me I don’t always cope with ease, life is often hard, but I’ve just stopped waiting around for it to be perfect.
Q. How has the power of mindfulness impacted your teaching/ guiding?
A. I’ve just mentioned that in the above because it has had a major impact on my teaching and mothering. I must highlight that meditation is a slow and satisfying burner, it unloads the cargo of your mind and body without you even realising just how much. You just need to stick with it to find out.
Q. If I’ve got just 5 minutes to myself, where do I begin to practice / meditate? (Eg if I’m out and about or in a chaotic house full of people)
A. Tune into Mindfulness and step away from the chaos; notice the feel of your clothes, perhaps the bag that you carry on your shoulder. Notice the weight of it and feel into that sensation using your breathe (both your inhale and exhale) to examine the state of your inner life. Fix your gaze or close your eyes; invite in an affirmation that is real and true to you. “I breathe in space, I breathe out negative feelings”.
After experiencing serious injury and debilitating anxiety and panic attacks in her 20’s, Harriet began to reshape her life by deepening her mindfulness practice. She now passionately shares her life’s practices on a deep, intuitive level, supporting her clients on a personal journey through their own healing. She shares her in-depth knowledge and understanding of both mind and body through both 1-2-1 and group sessions. An advanced practitioner, she currently works in London at the Yoga bar, Twickenham and also from her home studio and On demand self care space, The intuitive Soul Sanctuary, where she focuses on intuitive movement, mindfulness and breath work.
She can be contacted through her website:
Instagram: @harriet_mg email: