


Finding your happy place

Posted on June 03 2018

Busy, demanding lives, which stretch our willpower and attention span, can make it easy to get into a bit of a funk and find yourself in a cycle of negative thoughts. Sometimes it can be hard to see the good stuff in life, even when it’s right in front of you.


So, this month we’re taking five to sit back and enjoy the good stuff already in our lives as well as looking at ways to get more of the fun stuff into our every day. Check out our top tips to help you do the same.


Write a gratitude diary

Buy a ‘page a day’ diary – or even just a swanky notepad – and every day take five minutes to write down three things that made you smile. These can be things that happened on that day or just things that came to mind during the day. And they can be as big or small as you like. For example, today we’ll be writing down ‘fun Pilates sesh’, ‘finished project’ and ‘kisses from the puppy’. The idea is that this helps to focus your mind on the positive elements of your day, rather than the stuff that’s not going to plan.


Slow down

We’re all guilty of rushing around trying to fit everything in. But slowing down for a day and simply spending some time at home with family, at a friend’s house for a long overdue catch up or on the sofa reading a book can help you reset and rejuvenate. The easiest way to do it? Pencil a ‘nothing’ day or morning into your diary on the weekend and treat it like any other non-negotiable event. We guarantee you’ll feel ready to face anything after a bit of ‘slow’ time.


Set some fun goals

Whether they’re fitness based or related to your hobbies or your family, setting some goals for the fun (non-work, non-chore) elements of your life can help to make sure these activities or people get as much time and attention as the ‘serious’ stuff. Setting goals like ‘learn to cook three new healthy dishes’ or ‘enter for a 10K run’ or ‘learn basic Italian’, and setting some time aside to work towards these goals (by diarising ‘training’ sessions), means you’ll make more time for the fun stuff in your day-to-day life and enjoy a great sense of achievement when you reach those goals.


Escape the rut

Stuck in a rut? Can’t find the energy to do anything? It may seem like the absolute last thing you want to do, but getting your sweat on with a quick workout will boost your endorphins and lift you out of that fug in no time. Can’t summon the excitement to get those trainers on? Pick your favourite class or easiest run route, don’t think about it too hard and just go. There’s no need to do a strenuous workout, any activity will help to boost your mood and change that mindset, even a 20-minute walk around the block. So, don’t waste another second, get up and get out.


Plan something special

Shake things up by planning a night or day out doing something you haven’t done for ages – or have never done! Whether it’s going to the cinema, trying a new class at the studio or checking out a new restaurant, the change of routine will lift your mood, take you out of the everyday and help to lend a little perspective to whatever’s on your mind.


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