


Are you in your Soft Girl Era?

Posted on February 16 2024

How to know if you’re entering your Soft Girl Era: Do you prioritise feeling good over feeling ‘good enough’? Do you value your own space, indulge in self care and romanticise it on the daily? Are you making bigger life decisions such as reducing your caffeine, alcohol, cutting high processed food and veering towards a whole foods lifestyle?


Perhaps you’re also auditing the relationships in your life, gravitating towards those that lift you, that radiate instead of drain you. People that emit goodness into your atmosphere, that celebrate your wins and hold you when you stumble. You get to choose your own world of friendships, an extended family to do life with, so seeking those people is also a form of selfcare.


This is your sign to be kind to yourself, to try out a soft girl lifestyle that asks just two questions with each move: does it nourish me? Does it get me closer to that goal? Without feeling as though you are a constant self improvement project, instead we encourage you to listen in to what your body needs.


Chill out in our WFH/ Life section and feel cosy and put together too. Flow through stagnant energy in our Go With The Flow Set (trust us on how good they feel) and notice the surge of strength and embodiment when you look and FEEL the way you want to.

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