


9 easy ways to boost your workout motivation

Posted on September 16 2018

 Don’t let the change of seasons wreak havoc with your goals, instead try our 9 easy ways to boost your workout motivation and see your energy levels soar.

1. Make a workout date
We are all creatures of habit, so start making a routine and jot down when and where you can fit in some time for exercise. Whether it’s in the morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening, you’ll find yourself more committed to working out if you’ve made the effort to schedule it into your day. You wouldn’t cancel plans made with friends, so why make exercise any less of a priority? Fit in that killer workout now.

2. Update your gym wardrobe
Whether it’s buying a new sports bra, some gorgeous leggings, or those trainers you’ve wanted for ages, often all you need to motivate you is some new fit kit. Our latest AW18 collection is all you need for some serious get-to-the-gym style. Check out our brand new Vitality Crop and Vitality Leggings, for a really unique and technical set.

3. Be prepared
Now you’ve got the style to go with the sweat, a top tip for finding motivation to exercise (especially in the mornings) is simply having your workout clothes ready and prepared for you in advance. That way, you’ll spend less time finding excuses to skip your workout.

4. Move to the beat
We all know the feeling of hearing our morning alarm go off. Not exactly pleasant or motivating, right? Jazz up your alarm by having your favourite song or the radio playing to put a spring in your step and start your day with some feel-good vibes. Take your motivational tunes all the way to the gym with you: sports scientists at Brunel University found that music can reduce your rate of perceived effort by 12% and improve your endurance by 15%. Now where are our headphones…

5. Tap into technology
Fitness watches, heart rate monitors and mobile apps can all help motivate you to make the most out of your workout. Whether it’s nudging you to get your steps up to 10,000 a day or proving that you really are smashing it in your fat-burning zone, investing in some tech to help you see and track your progress can really boost your motivation.

6.Warm up properly
That typical ‘should I, shouldn’t I’ debate you have before a workout can be a tricky one – especially when it’s cold and dark outside. So get your rear into gear and plug in your headphones, listen to some music and start warming up indoors. It doesn’t matter where you are, because once your body starts moving, your heart rate quickens and your blood gets busy pumping around ‘happy’ hormones. Warming up with dynamic stretches like hamstring curls and jogging on the spot can also help to reduce your risk of injury, meaning your motivation won’t take a nose dive if you’re out of action with an injury.

7. Set a goal
Everybody likes to end their day knowing that they have achieved something. No matter how big or small, goal setting is crucial to self-motivation. In this game, it’s only you against you. Create a checklist, journal, timetable or even a diary to write down exactly what you want to achieve this autumn and how you are going to go about doing it. Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail.

8. Find a workout buddy
Making plans with someone else will force you to be fully engaged within the activity – helping you stay away from boredom that could take you down the path of laziness. You’ll both be relying on each other to turn up, and that guilt-inducing pressure is exactly what you need to get you exercising as the seasons change.

9. Track your progress
Keep notes on your progress – list the times when you lacked motivation and other times when you felt like a complete fitness superstar.  There’ll be a pattern, and once you’re aware of it you can work with yourself and continue developing. So grab a pen and paper, call up a friend, make a date with the gym and start planning your autumn fitness goals.

Be inspired:
Shop ’til you drop with our September wishlist, and if you love yoga then check out our schedule for National Yoga Month

Photo by Charlotte Karlsen on Unsplash

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